Best essential oils for meditation

Essential oils are excellent for meditation and here I am sharing my top 5 favourite essential oils to use during meditation practice.

You can enjoy using the essential oils in a diffuser. Or blend with a carrier oil to apply as an anointing oil on the skin or pulse points during meditation.

Top 5 essential oils for meditation

Anja sitting in meditation

Frankincense essential oil for meditation

Frankincense resin has long been used for spiritual practices around the world. Whether it’s in the Middle East, India or in catholic religious ceremony.

It’s grounding yet uplifting. It also promotes a relaxed long deep breath which in turn supports calming the mind which can lead to meditation or contemplation.

Sandalwood essential oil for cooling and calming the mind

Sandalwood paste is used topically to cool any inflammation and heat. Often seen on the applied on the forehead for Hindu religious practices it calm our busy minds so we can focus on the Divine, God, Goddess or our ritual or meditation.

It does have a divine aroma. Instantly soothing and grounding perfect for meditation. It is precious so expect to invest more than for many other essential oils. You want to make sure it is ethically sourced. Due to its high value and demand, in the past Sandalwood has been exploited to the verge of extinction. The tree needs to grow for a long time before being able to be harvested so find a sustainable source.

Rosemary essential oil to sharpen the mind

The humble rosemary is excellent to sharpen the mind for meditation. It’s perfect for a morning meditation or anytime during the daytime you feel heavy in your head, tired or fatigued. It’s very clearing and refreshing. 

It’s also perfect to clear any nasal congestion to prepare for breath work.

Rose essential oil for heart meditation

Who doesn’t love roses? Perhaps not a traditional essential oil for meditation it is an oil of Bhakti or devotion. It’s soothing for the energetic and emotional heart. It connects us with the heart energy of love, compassion and devotion. It’s sensual and loving. 

Rose is cooling yet warms the energetic heart. It’s instantly soothing and calming any heat or inflammation (physically, mentally or emotionally). 

I love rose essential oil for any devotional or healing meditation or ritual. I generally go for the more affordable rose absolute which is solvent extracted. Rose otto is the pure steam-distilled essential oil which is more costly.

Cedarwood affordable for clear energy meditation

Generally, I love tree oils because they are grounding and feels very clearing energetically and mentally. Cedarwood is a cheaper alternative to frankincense and especially sandalwood essential oils. Yet it still has a grounding soothing and calming effect.

Bonus essential oil blend for meditation

I love this meditation blend from Neal’s Yard Remedies. It is so calming and grounding. It soothes the mind. I often carry the roll-on around and apply and inhale when feeling overwhelmed and anxious too. It contains both sandalwood and frankincense as well as cedarwood. The mix is beautifully blended with more stimulating and light citrus oils too.

It comes as a pure aromatherapy blend too to use in a diffuser.

As a certified clinical aromatherapist, I am very conscious of where I get my essential oils from - whether it’s for personal use or for my clients. I get most of my essential oils from Neal’s Yard Remedies which is what I share in this blog post.

I look for sustainable, ethical providers with high professional quality products. Preferable organic or wild-grown sources of essential oils and a company that is transparent when it comes to quality.

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